Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

I tattoo at Hellertown Tattoo Company in Hellertown, Pennsylvania.

How can I book with you?

If I am currently taking new appointments, you will be able to fill out the form I have on my website under “Booking”. You will then receive a direct email from me or the shop (these may take some time, please be patient). Filling out a booking inquiry does not guarantee and appointment or that I will take on the project.

How much do you charge?

For custom work, I offer a full day session at $900 and half day sessions at $450, This gives a little bit of a break compared to charging my hourly rate of $175

For flash designs, those are based off size and placement and i normal give a good deal with a flat rate since they are original pieces from me. I will typically list a price along with the flash designs on my instagram when available

How long is a tattoo session with you?

A full day session with me is about 6 hours and a half day is about 3 hours.

I now have 10 years of experience under my belt which has lead me to become very efficient with my style of tattooing and has allowed me to get a lot of work done within the time we have booked.

Keep in mind I am spending many hours before your appointment preparing for it via designing and drawing. With being prepared ahead of time, it allows me to have all my focus on the application of your tattoo the day of.

How do deposits work?

A deposit is required for each appointment made. (yes even if I have tattooed you before)

The amount of the deposit is deducted from the cost of the tattoo the day of your appointment.

Deposits are non refundable.

If you are rescheduling an appointment with enough notice, I do carry over the deposit to the new appointment date. I only do this once before a new deposit is required

Do I get a preview of the drawing/design?

No, I do not send out previews of the design.

You will see the completed design in linework form the day of your appointment.

If you are confident in my work and have given me all the information I need then I am confident I will deliver exactly what youre asking of me

If there are minor changes to be made to the design, we are able to do that right there and then (for example, the sizing of certain elements, adding or removing some small details)

Any major design changes that haven’t been made aware to me before your appointment, may result in having to reschedule your appointment

What if I have an urgent question regarding my appointment?

Text or call the shop number (484-456-9724) with any type of time sensitive or urgent questions or information you need to pass along to me!

One of our very friendly receptionists will help